Free Class - Beat the "Do Not Call" Lists

Learn how to detect phone numbers on the Do Not Call lists and learn how to legitimately connect with these same leads.

Don't get socked with a $10,000 fine because you called a litigator laying in wait for your phone call, when there are easy ways to detect the "Do Not Call" status of any phone number. It's just not worth the risk.

Find out the tools that you can use to keep your business safe and the leads flowing in.

Sign up to attend the next free training!

Check out all the free classes Solar Proud offers

Solar Proud works to educate, inspire and empower their students
to take their solar sales to a whole new level
using our proprietary lead gen and referral engagement processes.

If you want your solar sales to make a positive difference to the planet,
then use these ethical and innovative ways to engage and keep customers talking about you for years!

Contact us for more information about what we can offer your organization.

© Sun Mar 16 10:03:14 UTC 2025
by Solar Proud